CF3I, also called Iodotrifluoromethane, has near zero ozone depletion potential(ODP), low global warming potential (GWP) and non-flammable properties, which has wide applications in different fields. As a fire suppressant, CF3I has been considered as a replacement for halon 1301 in unoccupied areas. As a refrigerant component, its blends can form refrigerants in replacements for CFCs, HCFCs as well as HFCs, especially Honeywell’s announcement of new products R-466A & HDR-147, alternatives for R410A. As an etching gas, CF3I has been applied in the production of semiconductor chips. As an electrical Insulation gas, CF3I and its gas mixtures has been considered as an alternative to SF6 in electric equipment. CF3I can also be used as pharmaceutical intermediate to provide trifluoromethylation source. It is also thought to be a cover gas for magnesium die casting, a potential medical propellant and a seriously good foam blowing agent.
Fire extinguishing agent in fire protection systems
Refrigerant component in replacement for HCFCs & HFCs
Etching gas in semiconductor industry
Insulation gas to replace SF6 in electrical power industry
Pharmaceutical intermediate to provide trifluoromethylation source
1.Fire extinguishing agent
CF3I extinguishant has been widely applied in fire fighting to protect the floating roof of oil tanks. Many storage companies for oils, chemicals and gases have projects which are protected by CF3I rim seal protection systems. Rim seal CF3I?is an automatic gas system using the CF3I as extinguishing agent, which can be installed on the top of floating roof tanks to protect directly the area exposed to the highest fire risk, guaranteeing the fastest intervention[1]. CF3I can also be considered as a fire extinguishing agent to replace Halon on military aircraft. The mechanism of extinguishing fires for CF3I is active and primarily based on interruption of the chain reaction in the combustion area of the flame by so called “negative” catalytic action[2].
CF3I has some advantages when it is used as extinguishant.
(1) Fast fire suppression
(2) Low VOC emission
(3) Good stability performance in absence of light, oxygen, and water
(4) Low order of acute toxicity, but significant cardiac sensitization level
The system consist and work by extinguishing agent CF3I. CF3I is a fast fire suppression agent with better characteristics compared to the banned Halons. It has a low order of acute toxicity and the cardiac sensitization measurements (NOAEL 0.2% & LOAEL 0.4%), suitable agent for use in unoccupied areas, such as on floating roof tanks.
-Acceptable Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
-Acceptable National Fire Protection Association (NFPA-2001)
Ref. [1]
2.Refrigerant component in replacement for HCFCs & HFCs
CF3I, as a refrigerant component, can form new refrigerants to replace HFCs with high GWP. Honeywell announced R466A to replace a potential non-flammable, lower GWP replacement for R410A, which caused considerable global interest. The blend proportions are 39.5% CF3I, 49% R32 and 11.5% R125. The main reason for R466A non-flammability & low GWP is CF3I. As a fire suppressant, CF3I is thought to be considered as a replacement for halon 1301. CF3I makes up 39.5% of the new blend but its 100-year GWP is less than 1[3]. Toshiba Carrier is said to have described R-466A as “promising” after initial performance testing in a larger-charge VRF air conditioning system. Honeywell’s a new development refrigerant HDR-147, in a reversible heat pump system, is said to have GWP of around 400.
Ref. [3]
[4]Honeywell tests potential long-term R410A replacement [DB/OL]., 2019-06-06.